FREEDOM FROM TAXES - слушать аудиокнигу онлайн



Описание книги «FREEDOM FROM TAXES»

The audiobook delves into the rapid changes occurring in the modern world and highlights how certain systems, like taxation and income distribution, struggle to keep up. It proposes a revolutionary idea: instead of taxing individuals and businesses, the focus should shift to taxing the movement of money itself, made possible by the digitalization of financial transactions.

The financial system sees money circulating multiple times, far exceeding other economic indicators. By deducting a small percentage from each transaction, the state budget could be replenished instantly. This would eliminate the need for traditional taxes, dismantle costly and inefficient tax authorities, and relieve the middle class from the burden of high taxes. Such a system could also pave the way for introducing a universal basic income, crucial in a world where automation and robotization are reducing job opportunities. Without this shift, societies risk facing either massive unemployment or unnecessary job creation, both of which could lead to severe social instability.

The audiobook argues that a tax on the total volume of financial operations could double the state budget painlessly. This approach would not only free citizens from excessive taxation but also ensure financial stability, improve overall well-being, and safeguard against potential social crises. It’s a visionary concept aimed at creating a fairer and more sustainable economic future.

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